Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in Lithuania, grown both for food and preservation. They can be grown from pre-prepared seedlings or sown directly in the field. Here is basic information on how and when to plant cabbage in Lithuania:

Cultivation of seedlings

Time: Start your seedlings indoors or in a greenhouse in early spring, about 4-6 weeks before you plan to move them outside. Depending on the variety of cabbage and when you want to harvest, seedlings can be started from late February to early April.

Sowing: Sow cabbage seeds in containers or nurseries with well-draining soil, and keep them warm and in a well-lit area.

Planting outdoors

Time: Cabbage seedlings can be planted outdoors from the end of April to the end of May, as soon as the spring frosts have passed. Some late varieties of cabbage can be planted even later - until the beginning of June.

Location and soil: Cabbage needs a sunny location and fertile, well-drained soil. Before planting, the soil should be well prepared, enriched with organic fertilizers or compost.

Planting: Plant the seedlings in the pre-prepared holes, leaving enough space between the plants - about 40-70 cm, depending on the variety and how much space is needed for the specific type of cabbage to expand.


Watering: Cabbage requires regular watering, especially at the beginning of growth and during dry weather. It is important to avoid excess water around the plants to prevent root rot.

Mulching: Mulching helps retain soil moisture, reduces weed growth and protects roots.

Weed removal and soil loosening Remove weeds regularly and loosen the soil around the plants to improve air circulation around the roots.

Fertilization: Cabbage is a "hungry" plant, so it should be fertilized several times during the growing season, using organic or complex mineral fertilizers.

Disease and pest control

Monitor plants for possible diseases and pests, such as cabbage aphids, and take appropriate measures to prevent or control them.

Cabbage planting and maintenance requires some effort, but the final harvest pays off all the work you put in, giving you healthy and delicious food from your garden.

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