On April 25, from 17 p.m. Vilnius city municipality invites residents of Salomėjas Nėries and surrounding streets and other Vilnius residents to a community celebration. During it, on the sports field between Gedvydžių and S. Nėries st. there will be a help to plant creepers, activities for the whole family. At the same time, residents will get to know the pilot project, which will take place on the mentioned street - air pollution and noise measurements will be carried out, and measures will be taken to reduce the impact of these harmful factors on residents.

"This month, we will install air pollution and noise meters on Salomėjas Nėries street. They will show you the current situation on the street. Then, together with specialists, we will select measures that help reduce noise and pollution. This is also a special planting by selecting species, evergreen plants, a certain density. There may also be street washing, traffic restrictions, education of residents to use less polluting transport," he said Vilnius city municipalities Giedrius Kavaliauskas, chief specialist of the project management department and manager of the LIFE GreenMe5 project.

Salomėjas Nėries street, selected from more than 300 streets or their sections, was named Pokyčių by the organizers of the project. "We will make small changes on this street and after each action we will measure how the pollution and noise indicators have changed. From the obtained data, we will learn which measures are the most effective. We hope that, although small, they will be effective, because changes based on data and measurements will come to other streets as well", hoped G. Kavaliauskas.

Pokyčiai street will also be discussed at the "Green Day in Fabijoniškės" event, because, according to G. Kavaliauskas, it is difficult to achieve the desired result without community support.  

"Research shows that intensive transport is one of the biggest sources of noise and air pollution in the city. Therefore, each of us can contribute to reducing pollution - drive less in our own car, choose public transport, bicycle, scooter, walk more, therefore, in order to achieve changes, we must not only familiarize the population with them, but get their support", - convinced of the project the expert of the pilot action, Emilis Tamošiūnas, the chief specialist of the Environmental Protection Programs and Plantation Management Sub-Department of the Vilnius City Municipality.

During the "Zhalioji diena Fabijoniškės" celebration, residents are invited to participate in the planting of creepers, during which they will plant the fence of the basketball court at the intersection of Salomejas Nėries and Gedvydžių streets. After the cleanup, residents will be invited to chat, have tea, and learn more about Pokyčiai Street. There will be various entertainment for the whole family. I'M MOVING (TO "Communication services") representatives will invite you to learn more about sustainable movement in the city, the Vilnius Waste System Administrator (VASA) will invite you to learn more about waste sorting and play waste basketball.

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