In the past, people's concept of transportation and communication was different than it is today, but this was also strongly determined by the methods of communication back then. In less than a few hundred years, as transportation radically changed, so did people's thinking: going everywhere on foot gradually turned into dependence on cars.

XNUMXth century In Vilnius, strong two-wheeled carts - briks - or simple single-wheeled peasant carts were used to transport people and goods. The rich rode in carriages or rode horses, while the poor city dwellers hardly used carriages and transported goods themselves or hired porters.

in 1862 after building the railway Petrapilis - Warsaw The first public passenger transport - stagecoaches - appeared in Vilnius. stagecoach, which was pulled by four horses, could carry 10 passengers at a time. Later, carriages with rubber tires appeared.

XNUMXth century at the end of the century, the first bicycles appeared, but riding them on the main streets was prohibited. Although this vehicle became rapidly popular around the city, it was a very rare phenomenon to see a bicycle in the very center of Vilnius. The most popular bicycles in Lithuania until the Second World War were made in Germany and England. True, in the XNUMXth century. At the end of the XNUMXth century, buying a bicycle was a luxury for many, as its price was difficult for many.

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