Pictures of long queues near Vytenio Street in Vilnius have spread on social networks. 54 of the unit. "Food bank"representatives explained that food was distributed on Sunday for the penultimate time. The last such action will be held in December, while changes are expected next year.

According to support coordinator Lina Šatienė, such queues are not a common phenomenon. This time, the queues were determined by the second-to-last distribution of support - since the European Union project money has run out, this type of support will be discontinued next year, and a different system will be switched to.

"European support was distributed for the penultimate time on Sunday, which is why such queues have formed. We are now distributing food at Europa Square, distribution time is from 13 p.m. until 15:30. Queues are not long, we can ensure the accommodation of all beneficiaries. There is a waiting room, they are waiting warmly," said L. Šatienė.

According to her, the increased flows are also determined by other circumstances - the recipients of support are convinced that they will no longer receive support later, and in addition, part of their support is not collected in the wards.  

"Such flows occur only when European support is distributed. Beneficiaries somehow think that if they come later, they won't get any more. Some are coming now, because although we usually distribute support in wards, some recipients cannot collect it. And if they didn't pick up in the ward, they come to pick up support on Panerių street or another place. If they could not pick up the package in their ward, they can pick it up in another place after presenting their identity document", assured L. Šatienė.

True, L. Šatienė emphasized that the need for support has been increasing since the beginning of September.

"The increase has been felt since September. It was quieter in the summer, and from the beginning of autumn, the number of beneficiaries began to grow strongly. This is perhaps related to the fact that now we serve not only the city of Vilnius, but also the district and Šalčininki.

In Vilnius, we serve 100, sometimes more, recipients of support per day. Thus, about 500 people are received per week", emphasized L. Šatienė.

Next year - a new system

However, although these distribution campaigns will no longer exist, according to the representatives of "Maisto bankas", this does not mean that residents will remain completely without support.

"Cards will be provided, cards will be replenished once a quarter. For now, I cannot comment in great detail, because not everything is clear. European support is disappearing as the bimonthly distribution project ends. But beneficiaries will continue to receive assistance and receive new cards. We will receive lists from the social workers of the wards, we will serve as much as possible, we will provide as much support as possible", said L. Šatienė.

Among the aid issued, the same categories will remain - bread, groceries, fruits and vegetables, milk and meat.

"We plan to maintain a similar amount of food, so that the recipient of the aid needs at least 5 kg of food. However, we cannot always guarantee that the baskets will be the same. There are wives who do not eat meat products, bread products, etc., so it is logical that their basket may be a little smaller than expected," said L. Šatienė.

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