If you are worried about the fact that the skin color of your face has started to change in places or completely - we will provide useful information about what it could be. Although an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a professional dermatologist, a change in facial skin color can also signal certain health problems.

Changed skin color

The most common causes of skin discoloration are: illness, injury/injury or inflammation. It is very likely that in your case the trigger is one of the following factors.

If only a specific area or part of the face is affected, the problem may be easier to explain, but if other parts of the body and the face have changed color, it may be more difficult to understand everything.

We are probably most used to seeing a reddened face after it has been sunburned. If you have been sunbathing for a long time on the beach or in the fresh air on a sunny day and the skin on your face has turned red, you feel an unpleasant burning sensation when you touch it or the skin has started to peel, then the color has probably changed due to a burn.

If the face turns red on the nose and cheeks, and the reddened area itself has both darker and lighter areas, and in some places also bumps, it may be pink. This chronic skin disease has flares and ebbs and has its own triggers. In the presence of this disease, you need to consult with dermatologists and know how to behave and protect yourself.

Variegated gum disease is a chronic, inflammatory type of disease. This one differs from the others we have listed in that it causes light or brown spots that can appear on the face. This disease is caused by fungi.

How is facial skin discoloration treated?

The best and most effective solution depends on the diagnosis. In some cases, the best solution is creams or special ointments. Other, more serious conditions may require specialized, prescription drugs, procedures, or even things like mesotherapy-biorevitalization (you can read about what biorevitalization is here - https://www.lazeriniscentras.lt/lt/paslaugos/mezoterapija-biorevitalizacija).

A proper diagnosis will be made by the dermatologists you decide to go to. Comparing information online can only give you a general idea of ​​what type of problem you have. However, a final diagnosis requires research, analysis and knowledge.

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