Flare up at the end of March fire At a scrapyard in Vilnius, residents were frightened by poor weather parameters. Even after localizing the focus of the fire, part of the educational institutions of the capital were recommended to continue their activities remotely, and the residents of the surrounding districts were especially active in the pollution in their environment for several days.

Near the fire site, the air pollution measurement sensor installed on the Vilnius Gerosios Vilties pro-gymnasium building during the first two hours of the fire recorded an increase in the concentration of solid particles (KD10) by 17,6 times (888,4 µg/m3). This was even 20 times higher than the recommended amount of solid particles set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The sensor installed on the Vilnius Ryto Progymnasium also recorded an extremely high growth of solid particles. During the first two hours of the fire, the concentration of solid particles (KD10) in this place increased even up to 9,1 times (229,2 µg/m3).

According to environmental research specialists, Air pollution is still the biggest risk factor for human health in European cities, so it is useful to be interested in air quality not only during such events, but also regularly.

Currently, 35 air pollution sensors are operating in the city of Vilnius, the data of which are displayed in real time on the website miestoplauciai.vilnius.lt. The air pollution map also includes daily updated data from four state air quality research stations.

"From 2022 The aim of the "City Lungs" project, which started in February, is to present air pollution in real time so that Vilnius residents, educational institutions or interested persons can assess the possible health effects without waiting for reports or calls from responsible institutions. This website is a virtual tool that serves public education", says Agata Mackevičiūtė, environmental data analyst at ID Vilnius.

All air pollution sensors are installed Vilnius city municipalities decision, most of them (24) are near educational institutions, where they measure solid particles of different fractions. Another ten sensors are concentrated in Šnipiškės and Old Town, one is installed Wolffoot.

"Air pollution in Šnipiškės is observed due to the predominance of old buildings in this microdistrict and higher pollution in the cold season, when unclear, potentially polluting fuel is used for heating. Meanwhile Old town air pollution stands out due to the greater traffic of cars and the specific location of the area - the city center is located in a ravine", explains the specialist.

Along with air pollution, pollen concentration is also measured in Vilnius - at a height of 25 meters above Vilnius University The pollen trap installed on the roof of the Life Sciences Center measures the pollen of alder, birch, hazel, mistletoe, sedge, and ragweed.

According to the interviewee, other Lithuanian cities are also interested in the possibility of installing such a monitoring system: the municipality of Šiauliai is considering the possibility of installing air pollution sensors in their city, the municipality of Kazlų Rūda has already installed the first sensor that measures solid particles, ozone and other pollutants.

Aiming for zero pollution

According to A. Mackevičiūtė, air quality is not something that only scientists or public health specialists should be interested in - air pollution affects the health of every member of society.

"Natural and other sources of air pollution - industrial enterprises, cars and other vehicles constantly emit harmful substances into the environment. Once in the atmosphere, various small particles enter our respiratory tract, on plants and can cause more serious consequences in the long run," she comments.

According to the European Environment Agency (EAA), air pollution is still the biggest risk factor for human health in Europe, as well as one of the causes of chronic diseases and premature deaths.

The latest EAA calculations show that in 2021 at least 2,5 people died prematurely in the EU due to pollution of fine solid particles (KD5) exceeding the annual WHO recommended level of 3 µg/m253. persons. 52 thousand died in the EU due to nitrogen dioxide pollution, and 22 thousand due to short-term exposure to ozone. people.

Poor air quality not only causes health problems, it also increases health care costs.

"Regular monitoring of air quality makes it possible to compare data from different periods, monitor how air quality changes and take measures in the future to avoid greater consequences for people and the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to increasing air quality and reducing air pollution", emphasizes the ID Vilnius specialist.

According to the 2021 The approved EU action plan sets the goal of reducing the impact of air pollution on health by 55%. by 2030, and by 2050 to achieve zero pollution levels in the areas of air, water and soil.

Vilnius city municipality annually submits environmental air quality reports in accordance with the approved Environmental Air Quality Management Program 2020-2025. Also, the "Implementation Study of Air Pollution and Noise Reduction Measures" is currently being prepared, which will allow testing various pollution reduction measures on a selected street in the city of Vilnius and later applying them to other streets of the city of Vilnius.

If there is increased air pollution in the residential area, experts advise to spend as little time as possible in the open air, not to open the windows while indoors. If you have to go outside, it is recommended to wear a protective face mask. If you experience health problems, you should consult a doctor.

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