Seimas will consider amendments to the law allowing the historical flag of Lithuania to be raised at border checkpoints and also encouraging residents to raise it near their homes during historical dates important to the state.

On Thursday, 103 members of the Seimas voted for the proposed amendment to the Law on the State Flag and other flags submitted by Seimas member Andrias Kupčinskas, none were against, and 5 MPs abstained. The approved project should return to the Seimas Hall on November 9.

Presenting the amendments to the law from the podium of the Seimas, MP A. Kupčinskas noted that the historical flag of Lithuania, Vytis, is one of the oldest flags in Europe. After the adoption of the proposed amendments to the law, everyone crossing the borders of the Republic of Lithuania would be greeted by the historical flag of Lithuania.

"Guests coming to us would be convinced and could see that Lithuania's statehood goes back almost a thousand years and our country has a long history. This would also be a certain response to Russian flags raised at Russian border points or to the spreading "Litvinism" from the side of Belarus," said A. Kupčinskas.

The raising of the historical flag of Vytis at border checkpoints would be parallel to the raising of the flag of the State of Lithuania, which would be valid: at international airports, at sea and river (inland) ports open to international shipping, at railway stations or at motorways in places established by the Government's decree, where inspections are carried out by States border guard service, customs and other authorized state institutions.

Also, amendments to the law propose to determine that the historical flag of the State of Lithuania should be raised near, above or on the buildings of state and municipal institutions and bodies, and on the 6th of July, the day of the State (the coronation of King Mindaugas of Lithuania) and the National Anthem.

According to A. Kupčinskas, this draft law supports the residents' initiative to raise the historical Lithuanian flag near residential houses during important historical dates for the state. As the author of the project noted, such initiatives are becoming more popular, therefore, in his opinion, this could also be regulated by law.

Some MPs were skeptical of the proposal to regulate the display of the historic flag outside homes.

"What forbids raising the historical flag today?" At my place, it flies all year round, nobody forbids me to raise it, and I really do it with great patriotism. And the grandchildren raise together, and it's a lot of fun," said A. Skardžius, questioning whether the law will raise the spirit of patriotism.

Jadvyga Bieliavska (ELTA)

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