One of the country's best kitchen masters, chef Liutauras Čeprackas is happy - Lithuania should join the prestigious company in the summer. Our country's food culture has reached a high level rated by Michelin. The chef talked about how the selection of restaurants that can receive the desired rating is carried out in the program "Šeškinės 20".

"Latvians have it, Estonians have it, and we in Lithuania are already waiting and very much hoping that we will have it in the summer," said L. Čeprackas.

Michelin is an organization that evaluates the world's best, top-class restaurants and awards them with stars. So far, it has been rated as such in Lithuania restaurant there is no.

When asked to explain how the evaluation process takes place, during which Michelin representatives evaluate potential candidates for a high rating, L. Čeprackas said that it all started with an investigation.

"They came, traveled all over Lithuania, drew conclusions and said that they could potentially see so many restaurants here that could end up in the Michelin restaurant guide - no one names names," said the chef.

L. Čeprackas revealed that you have to pay for being in a prestigious company.

"This service is paid almost all over the world, except for those cities where Michelin comes, as they say, simply because they simply cannot be there because of the extremely high quality of food and culture," said the chef.

Such a city is Tokyo, the capital of Japan, which now has the most Michelin-starred restaurants. Luxembourg has the most rated places per inhabitant, followed by Kyoto in second place and San Sebastian in Spain in third place.

Restaurants evaluated without any corruption, very discreetly and secretly.

"There is no nepotism, nepotism and the like. This is not an option where someone at Michelin can say that my brother's cousin's friend should be given something - that is not valid," said the experienced chef.

Source: LNK

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