Startups operating in Lithuania will pay the country's budget in 2022. added even 297 million euros, 51 percent or 100 million euros more than a year ago. The number of specialists working in the startup sector has increased to 17,4 thousand, the average salary is 3,5 thousand. euros.

"The influence of Lithuanian startups on the country's economy is increasing. During the year, we managed to attract more than 2,5 thousand. new talents, and the average salary grew by over 500 euros. Lithuanian start-ups are maturing, they are starting to operate here and hundreds of talents are being recruited by strong foreign start-ups, so in the future we will hear more and more success stories not only about attracted investments, but also about impressive company profit indicators and an automatically fuller state budget", comments the results of the associations that performed the analysis. Unicorns Lithuania" manager Inga Langaitė.

TOP 5 startups operating in Lithuania that have paid the most taxes (2022):

  1. Wargaming - 19,22 million. euros
  2. Nord Security - 16,16 million euros
  3. "Vinted" - 14,80 million euros
  4. Oxylabs - 7,60 million euros
  5. KiloHealth - 6,70 million euros

More than 3 million EUR of taxes per quarter or 1 million on average. 14 more startups paid EUR per month, the highest growth among them was recorded by Flo, Furniture1 and Cybercare. In the fourth year of 2022 In the first quarter of the year, startups operating in Lithuania added 82,3 million to the national budget. EUR, the third - 78,5 million. EUR, the second - 76,5 million. EUR, and the first - 59,6 million. euros. According to I. Langaitė, the largest part of the taxes paid by start-ups consists of personal income tax (PIT) and profit tax components. The profit tax paid by start-ups has almost doubled in a year.

TOP 5 startups operating in Lithuania that paid the highest salaries (2022):

  1. Game Insight - 9,44 thousand. euros (+21 percent compared to 2021)
  2. Wargaming - 7,68 thousand. euros (+103% compared to 2021)
  3. Tesonet Accelerator - 7,60 thousand. euros (+12 percent compared to 2021)
  4. "Affise" - 7,31 thousand. euros (+50% compared to 2021)
  5. - 7,19 thousand. euros (+40 percent compared to 2021)

The number of specialists working in start-ups grew by 18 percent during the year, their salaries by 21 percent. Compared to the previous quarter of the year, the average salary grew by as much as 24 percent, up to 4,2 thousand. euros, and year-end bonuses should probably be linked to this, the number of employees remained practically unchanged. The startups with the most employees today are Vinted (1150), Nord Security (1074), Wargaming (991), Planas hooliganas (676) and KiloHealth (519).

"Startups hire and train internationally competitive specialists, most of whom are Lithuanian, grow profits and return a significant part of the finances back to the Lithuanian budget. In other words, it attracts money from abroad and creates jobs specifically in Lithuania. The startup sector contributes the most to the increase of the country's budget precisely through the taxing of talent work. Therefore, if we want to live in a successful country, it is important to strengthen businesses with high added value and the field of education at the highest level", says I. Langaitė.

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