In the second quarter of the year, startups actively operating in Lithuania paid 93,8 million. EUR taxes - 15 percent. more than the previous quarter and a quarter more than a year ago. Wages paid by start-ups are also growing, the "Unicorns Lithuania" association announces.

Currently, the average salary in the Lithuanian start-up sector is 3,8 thousand. euros before taxes, it grew by 15 percent during the year. or 500 euros. A total of 17,5 thousand people work in startups. 5 percent of the population of Lithuania is fixed. or almost 1 thousand talent growth per year.

"Lithuanian start-up market is gradually moving into the maturity stage. Although global trends are changing, our country's startup ecosystem creates added value, profit, income of the population, etc. grows, so more and more taxes are paid every quarter. Global IT businesses attract the most money from abroad, but they create jobs and steadily pay higher taxes in Lithuania", notes the head of the association Inga Langaitė.

TOP 5 Lithuanian startups that paid the most taxes (2023nd quarter of XNUMX):

  1. "Vinted" - 6,55 million euros
  2. Wargaming - 6,30 million. euros
  3. Nord Security - 5,24 million euros
  4. Kilo Health - 3,84 million euros
  5. Oxylabs - 3,63 million euros

The first three can also be considered startups employing the most talent in Lithuania - "Vinted" (1326), "Nord Security" (1185) and "Wargaming" (1007). 1 million tax limit of EUR per quarter in 2023. II quarter in addition to the ones already mentioned, 7 more startups also passed: Gurtam, Hostinger, Flo, Planas hooliganas, Surfshark, Mambu and Bored Panda.

"Currently, the start-up sector is looking for hundreds of employees who are in demand - Front-end, Back-end and Fullstack programmers, QA specialists, data engineers, marketing specialists. Approximately 2023 start-ups pay an average salary that is higher than the average in Lithuania (according to the data of the first quarter of 1.959,9 – 350 euros), the highest salary currently offered to a talent in public job advertisements is over 8. euros", I. Langaitė analyzes the situation.

TOP 5 highest paying startups (Q2023 XNUMX, before taxes)

  1. "Oberlo" - 15,8 thousand. euros (+ 144 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023)
  2. "Game Insight" - 9,2 thousand. euros (-24 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023)
  3. "Planner 5D" - 7,6 thousand. euros (+3 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023).
  4. "Tesonet Accelerator" - 7,3 thousand. euros (-4 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023)
  5. "Cast AI" - 6,8 thousand. euros (-1 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023)

A total of over 870 startups are active in Lithuania. About a quarter or 25 percent. – business software (Business Software), 14 percent. – financial technology (FinTech), 10 percent. – in the fields of health (HealthTech, Life sciences & Wellness). About two-thirds of startups follow a business-to-business (B2B) model, a third - business-to-customer (B2C), up to 5 percent. offers products or services to the public sector (B2G).

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