It is said that spring awakens not only nature, but also the desire to renew. Therefore, this week, from Thursday until Sunday, "Lidl"stores offer special discounts on clothing and footwear.

Outerwear and underwear, outdoor and workwear, sportswear and children's clothing, as well as pyjamas, robes and footwear - all goods in these categories will be available at up to 40% off. cheaper. Special offers for clothes and shoes start from just 1 EUR.

Over 1300 quality, well-known brands from Caterpillar, Hummel, Under Armour, Umbro and more are on sale. - and "Lidl" private label textile goods.

Fiber of a wide variety of socks for boys and girls - for only 1 EUR, leisure shirts - 3 EUR each. Sports pants, jumpers and other clothing, whose prices start at just 5 EUR, will help you create a sporty style.

On the shelves of women's clothing, products also start at just 1 EUR, and popular jeans - from 5 to 14,99 EUR. The star of Lidl's clothing sale is Chelsea style women's shoes, costing only 21,90 EUR. A women's leisure suit for EUR 24,90 will go with them.

You can buy clothes for work from just 2,99 EUR - that's the price of a set of sturdy work gloves, and for 4,99 EUR you can buy work gloves with a lining. Both men's work overalls and work trousers with a waist and lining - for 16,99 EUR. At that time, sturdy men's protective leather boots will be yours for EUR 29,90.

Perhaps the most impressive product, the one most expected by real clothing modelers and tailors, is the Singer overlock sewing machine, which costs EUR 175.

Rules have been approved for an unpredictable spring

April, surprising with unexpected temperature records, only confirms the rule that spring is unpredictable. Although the days can be pleasantly warm, the spring mornings can be quite chilly. Therefore, Lidl experts advise to remember the rule of layers: wear at least two outer clothes. If it gets too warm, the top layer can be removed.

By the way, this rule also applies to gardeners and others who spend a considerable amount of time working outdoors. Work clothes may seem thick and heavy, but thanks to modern technologies, their weight is lower, so it is convenient to work with several layers of clothes. This is also the case with the work clothes sold in the Lidl shopping network.

Of course, spring calls out to dress up in brightly colored clothes. However, even when the sun is shining, the temperature may not be very pleasant. When it's a sunny day and you want to enjoy the warmth more, it is advisable to choose clothes of darker colors - by absorbing more sunlight, they will warm your body.

Textiles made more sustainably fit better

It is no secret that cotton is the most widely used natural fiber in the textile industry. Both the smallest socks and the largest sweaters and other clothes are made from it. As fast fashion becomes more popular, so does the demand for textiles, putting workers' exploitation and ecosystems at risk. Therefore, already from 2022 for textiles, Lidl only uses certified cotton such as Cotton made in Africa, Fairtrade or the Better Cotton Initiative.

From 2022 at least 15 percent Lidl's cotton textile products are manufactured using organic cotton, and by 2025 the aim is to increase the amount of goods with organic cotton to 20% by the end of Organic cotton in the products is marked by internationally recognized standards - "Global Organic Textile Standard" and "Organic Content Standard".

Some of Lidl's textiles, shoes and other non-food products contain ingredients of animal origin. In this area, the retail chain adheres to internal regulations for private label products, for example, Lidl, which is part of the Fur Free Retailer initiative, does not use any fur or down from live birds or components derived from exotic, protected animals (such as reptiles). . The production also uses only lambskin, which is a by-product of the food industry.

Lidl also does not use merino wool, which is a sheep shearing practice known as "mulesing" (removal of the skin at the tail), nor any angora wool, which is obtained from rabbits, in its products.

Lidl buys its textile products from various countries around the world, where textile workers have different working conditions.

In order to help ensure living wages, Lidl took another responsible step and from 2019 became a member of ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation). By joining this international initiative, Lidl is strengthening the protection of human rights in its supply chain. ACT aims to ensure a living wage in the clothing, footwear and textile industries.

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