In Antakalnis district, the reconstructed P. Vileišio Street became the first real bicycle street in Lithuania this May, where cyclists are equal to cars. This street is marked with a bicycle street road sign and at the same time has a full-fledged infrastructure adapted to cyclists, which meets the requirements for this type of street.
Dviračių gatvė is a new format, a means of traffic regulation in Lithuania, which appeared only in 2022. Although Vilnius already had bicycle streets until now, they did not infrastructurally reflect the principles typical of this type of streets - the fully technical bicycle street format has only been implemented now, on P. Vileišio Street.
"The unique infrastructure of this street - both on the left and on the right side of the roadway - 2-meter-wide red asphalt lanes - are intended for cyclists. In the center of the carriageway, there is a strip of cobblestones, drawing the attention of drivers due to the vibrations caused when driving at a higher speed", Jonas Simutis, JUDU expert, names the infrastructure elements.
It was decided to reconstruct P. Vileišios street into a bicycle street after taking into account that this connection is extremely important for cyclists, but the infrastructure of the street was completely unfriendly to them. According to its category, it should have been quiet, in fact, before the changes, P. Vileišios Street was particularly actively used for the transportation of passengers and goods.
The new street format and the accompanying requirements for the movement of road users on this street are expected to help reduce the number of cars in transit and increase the safety and convenience of cyclists.
How is traffic on bicycle streets?
The main change in the bicycle street is that car drivers share the carriageway with cyclists. Cars can continue to move in both directions on P. Vileišios Street, but car drivers are prohibited from overtaking cyclists when entering the opposite lane.
All road users are subject to speed limits on bicycle streets - they are allowed to ride at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. Cyclists can ride freely, not necessarily in a row and m as close as possible to the right edge. By the way, it is forbidden to stand or park a car on bicycle streets, except for the places specifically designated for this purpose.
Unlike cyclists, motorists must ride as close as possible to the right-hand edge of the carriageway, just like on normal streets. In the case of P. Vileišios bicycle street, ride on red asphalt in one circle, and the cobblestone lane of the central island in the other.
Lithuanian cities encourage mobility by bicycle
The first bicycle street in Lithuania, although not comprehensively arranged, was MK Čiurlionios street in Vilnius. The organization of bicycle street traffic in Vilnius is also applied in Krakuva, Z. Sierakauska streets, in Lithuania this practice is also applied in Palanga, Kretinga and Klaipeda.
"Mr. Vileišios bicycle street is an important step and a new starting point in the development of the Vilnius bicycle network. As the number of cyclists grows rapidly in Vilnius, more streets will be reconstructed in a similar way in the future, thus filling the missing gaps in the bicycle network. Where there is no possibility or need to install a bicycle path, the bicycle street will help to ensure a safe, comfortable and inviting infrastructure for cyclists", - a representative of JUDU shares his future plans.

I inform those who have not read the KET: on any street, bicycles are equal traffic participants. The only exception is the highway, where you can't ride bicycles, or maybe a rare place with a road sign prohibiting riding a bike.
The street was damaged, money was stolen, parking was stolen, the police now find it difficult to use this street to avoid traffic jams, by the way, cyclists will come in old age, they will not go to the cemetery by bicycle. Cyclists and pedestrians walk along Antakalnis street.
Well, if you are making chaos with such a change, I will try to go around that street with the car.
Half of the drivers won't know how to behave on that street, and cyclists get too much attention. A cyclist on the street is a participant in traffic and has all the rights, but as soon as the red light turns on, he becomes an irresponsible pedestrian and runs across the street.
More of these!
Fewer of these!
It is no longer possible to invent greater absurdities on the streets, if it is a street for bicycles, then cars should not be allowed to drive on it, no matter what... you need to give the right to bicycles to block traffic and thus incite conflicts
don't cry boba, move your ass, the bike will help you lose fat, you'll be less angry
You're foaming at the mouth. Maybe Triko clamped the eggs so that the blood does not reach the brain?
Can you make the weather like Italy and less rain?
Nah, summer in Italy is too hot to think. It would be enough like in the Netherlands, I would like milder winters.
Here is the info for you "Winter with a bike." The Finnish city of Oulu is located in the north of the Arctic Circle, with a population of ~192 thousand people. Winter lasts ~165-170 days from November to mid-April. In winter, ~12% of all trips in the city are made by bicycle, in summer ~23%. ” – If you want to ride a bike, you ride. And you can moan and look at the clouds.
It would be good if it were the same for us
What good? That I eat a bicycle in winter? If you want, please. Paths are cleaned. Not for road bikes, but I think you won't die even with a simpler one.
wonderful street
What exactly?